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The World in Fast Forward

​ God doesn’t have to see things unfold at 60 seconds per minute. Maybe it looks faster to him.   As I’m listening to Marilynne Robinson‘s book “Home” she mentioned how God could see an oak tree jump out of the ground.   I guess that’s right.  They seem to grow so slowly to us but to God flowers must be like fireworks and trees like children jumping for joy. 

Recently Lost

Something I thought about recently:

You know how you can be on a boat and

Get so far out in the ocean

That you can’t see the shore anymore?

I can’t remember if I’ve ever done that

In the woods.

Been so deep

I couldn’t see a building or anything.

Probably have been

Once or twice.

But I can’t remember when that was

Or if that was.

Does that mean I’m afraid?

That I don’t get lost very frequently?

Playing it too safe

Isn’t actually good for you.

But something else I was thinking about recently:

We often make up stuff

To make us sound like we are worse

Than we really are.

I mean, we’re pretty bad already.

Don’t make it worse

Than it already is.

I’m pretty sure I remember doing that.



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