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The World in Fast Forward

​ God doesn’t have to see things unfold at 60 seconds per minute. Maybe it looks faster to him.   As I’m listening to Marilynne Robinson‘s book “Home” she mentioned how God could see an oak tree jump out of the ground.   I guess that’s right.  They seem to grow so slowly to us but to God flowers must be like fireworks and trees like children jumping for joy. 



Speaking of Jayber Crow. He worked for a while as the sexton of his church. I noticed that another of my favorite characters worked as a sexton: Mr Raven from Lilith by George MacDonald.

It is a moving fairy tale. Not in the traditional fairy tale sense, though. George MacDonald is one of my literary heroes. Which makes sense, because he is my real hero’s hero. C. S. Lewis – the greatest writer ever – loved George MacDonald.

I will come back to Lewis in the future – don't worry about that! MacDonald, though, was like a hypnotist. Reading his stories are experiences like dreaming. When you finish the book, you start to come out of a daze and say, “What just happened?” But while you were reading it, you felt you understood the world more clearly, not foggier. If you can carry that clarity into your everyday, well, that will begin a ‘happily ever after’, not to put too fine a point on it.


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